Contact Montage Pet Lodge

Phone (360) 573-7691

Email Us Book Online Today 

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Location & Hours

10200 NE 72 Ave
Vancouver, WA 98686
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Monday - Friday: 7AM - 6PM (Last check in 5:30pm)
Saturday: 8AM - 5PM (Last check in 4:30pm)
Sunday: 8AM - 5PM (Last check in 4:30pm)


We are closed for pick-ups and drop offs on Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Get in Touch

A phone call is the best way to get in touch with us for any questions you may have. You can also complete the form below and we will follow up with you.

verification image, type it in the box
Quality Pet Care
Since 1978
My dogs love it here! Kristina B.
Office Hours Monday - Friday: 7AM - 6PM
Saturday: 8AM - 5PM
Sunday: 8AM - 5PM
Pickup Mon - Fri: 7AM - 11AM, Noon - 6PM*
Sat - Sun: 8AM - 11AM, Noon - 5:00PM*
Drop-Off Mon - Fri: 7am-11am / Noon - 5:30pm*
Sat - Sun: 8am - 11am / Noon - 4:30pm*
* Pick-up/Dropoff during our extended hours will incur an additional charge.
All Pick-ups/Drop offs are scheduled; please no unscheduled drop-ins